Educational Programming
We Come To You!
Turtles and tortoises are facing many challenges today. Habitat loss, over harvesting for the pet trade as well as for food, degradation of habitats, and road fatalities have taken its toll on populations Worldwide. Here at Tortoise Run Farm we are committed to providing educational programs to the public.
These programs are designed to give individuals a better understanding of the differences between turtles, tortoises, and terrapenes. We also explain the realities of ownership of these long-lived reptiles and the very specific needs they have. How can we help turtles around the World? Do they make good pets? What do I do if I find one in my yard? And many other questions will be answered.
We currently are not set up to have large groups visit us here at the rescue, but we would love to come to you. We will bring several of our tortoises and box turtles so your group will be able to meet them up close in a hands-on experience.
Boy Scouts, girl scouts, youth camps, classrooms pre-K through 12, community service groups and many other organizations. All ages welcome. Programs can be taylored to your groups age and interest. We ask that group sizes be limited to 50 individuals or less. If you have more than 50 people, we can make arrangements to schedule additional programs. Smaller groups allow for a more intimate and hands-on experience.

Pricing and Payment
All proceeds raised from the program fees is applied back to the rescue to help provide on-going care for our tortoises and box turtles. This also allows us to help more animals in need.
We charge $45 for a thirty minute program, $75 for an hour program.
Each additional thirty minutes is $20.
*An additional mileage charge (.50 per mile each way) will be added outside Savannah, Missouri.

Sage with sulcata tortoise

We visited the Noyes Homes in St. Joseph, and gave a tortoise and turtle program for the children living there. They loved the tortoises!

Sage with sulcata tortoise

Tortoise Run Farm was recently added to the International Association of Reptile Educators website.
Click the tab at the top of the page on their website "Meet our Educators"
We are honored to be included among some great individuals who's mission is to educate the public about the amazing herps around them.
Payments can be made via Paypal. Click the Venmo or PayPal donate button and it will take you to our Venmo or Paypal Donations Page. Enter your total amount and we will receive a notification of payment.

Checks are also accepted. Make checks out to Tortoise Run Farm and mail
Tortoise Run Farm
C/O Shelly Cox
17247 State Route E
Savannah, MO 64485
Thank you for booking your program with us today. We look forward to meeting your group.
See you soon!